take a long hiatus from posting of many pictures.
cause i feeel ugly and sick of what i'm looking like
recently! Anyway Randolph, i hope yesterday's naggings
and your results really serve as a wake up call to you.
your future is really in your hands. no such thing as you
can't or dont have a future alright babe?
yes, so i did well for exams (not for poa and comb humans though)
but mum didnt had anything for me lehzxzxzx
no words, no presents, no nothing at all.
(for those who haven't got to see my results, scroll to the post before this k :D)
I'm starting to adore depending on my own for studies
it actually motivates me to study even harder and plan my
own time in an very efficient way right? i mean i do really
care about my what i want to be, my future.
But i don't see why should we sacrifice people, friends
relationships and love for studies. And by not looking at
it or doing anything, doesnt means it's forgotton.
replies of tags.
leinadd: HAHA, cause i studied too hard (:
Passer: no contact number please! i'm so so sorry.
Efah: relinked my dear (:
Twinny: you're Eileen? of course i do!!
Gina: linked (: do link me up!
friendd: Laughs, i see you soon in msn den (:
ivory: yea i do. you? always jonas can alrdy lah!
BH: thanks! how about your results?
Zx: HELLO ZX thanks but hows yours? :D
Tony: Hello, thanks for that. linked (: link me up!
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