Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My 16yo birthday celebration
Baked by eugenia, bought by sayyedHi! it's 31st of dec! i'm officially 16 now.
So it means... i'm legally eligible for NC16 movies, entry
for pool and....... Underage parties(like finally -.-)
Birthday celebration @ downtown east chalet was
tiring yet fun and awesome because most of my friends
were there. Anyw, i apologise if i've thrown any temper
on you guys because i was really sick and tired these
few days! please forgive me alright! *hugs* As for
who and who went... let the pictures do the talking.
i wanna thank so many many people!
It will all be on my upcoming post with pictures of presents
my friends had given me. I'll thank you guys individually.
No worries. HAHAHAH
Thanks booonyyyyyy for freagging taking so many
pictures of me when i'm drunk. Thanks alot!
HAHA i'll post them all up soon!
As for now, i'm still thinking where to go.

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